Everyone knows that eggs are good for people, but what about eggs for dogs? Are raw eggs really good to feed your dog?

are raw eggs safe to feed my dog?

Yes, you can feed your dog raw eggs. You can feed your dog the entire egg, including the shell!

to feed raw eggs or not to feed?

I think it’s normal to associate raw eggs with potential salmonella, so of course we would question whether or not raw eggs are safe for our dogs. What we need to look at is whether or not the benefits outweigh the risks.

In my opinion, I believe they do. I believe all the research out there suggesting that raw eggs are a super food for dogs. Of course, I encourage you to make up your own mind, but at least do it with the facts in mind.

We will look at the facts about dogs and their digestion systems as well as some  of the myths out there about why raw eggs are bad for your dog.

Nutritional Benefit of Raw Eggs

The great thing about eggs is that they are a complete food source, meaning they are very well rounded when it comes to all the nutrition a single egg can provide our dogs. For instance, eggs are an amazing source of protein for our dogs. They are full of amino and fatty acids which are great for our dog’s skin and coat. Eggs can also be good for settling an upset stomach. 

They are also rich in vitamins and minerals, including: 

  • vitamin A
  • vitamin B12
  • Selenium
  • Iron
  • Folate
  • Riboflavin

which is better: raw or cooked?

If the idea of raw worries you, by all means feel free to scramble or boil that egg! Your dog does get more of the nutrients from the egg if it is served raw though. As with most things, once cooked, the egg loses some of those vitamins and minerals that are oh so good for your dog.

but what about salmonella?

While it is true that eggs can pose the risk of salmonella, we must remember that dogs do not have the same digestive tracts as we do. In fact, their stomachs have way more acid in them than ours do. Their digestive juices are much better at handling salmonella or any other bacteria that can be found by feeding a raw diet.

Dogs and wolves are carnivorous scavengers, meaning that originally they would eat what they could hunt or scavenge. So if a dog had the opportunity to raid a farmer’s chicken coop or even steal from a nest, you better believe raw eggs were on the menu!

That being said, not all eggs are the same. It is ideal to feed your dog eggs that come from healthy organic pasture raised chickens. It is best if you can get the eggs from a source that you know and trust.

Can feeding raw eggs cause a biotin deficiency?

As with the issue above, there is some basis in truth here but it is highly unlikely. 

Egg whites contain Avidin, which is a biotin inhibitor, however, egg yolks are very high in biotin. So, if you feed the whole egg it essentially balances out and there is very little risk. 

Should I feed my dog the eggshell as well?

If you know and trust the source of the egg, then yes you should feed them the eggshell. In other words, if you own chickens or can get your hands on some farm fresh eggs from a local farmer, then I would say it is generally safe to feed them the shell.

If you get your eggs from the grocery store, I would advise against feeding your dog the shell because stores spray the eggs with harmful chemicals to make the eggs look all shiny and pretty.

If you do feed your dog the shell, it is probably safest to do so by grounding up the eggshell and mixing it in their food.

What are the benefits of feeding my dog the eggshell?

Eggshells offer a great source of calcium. The phosphorus and calcium found in the eggshell help your dog get nice strong bones and teeth. The eggshell also contains many of the same nutrients as the yolk and egg white.

Tucked inside the eggshell is a thin membrane. This eggshell membrane contains collagen, glucosamine, chondroitin, and hyaluronic acid. As you might have guessed, eggshell membranes are especially great for dogs with hip and joint issues. Studies have shown that giving your dog eggshell membranes can actually reduce their joint pain.  

Where Can I Get These Healthy Eggs?

Unfortunately, the eggs at the grocery store sometimes will undergo treatments with chemicals in order to make the egg shiny or more appealing. 

Therefore, it is best if you can buy eggs from a local farmer or even at a farmer’s market. Buying eggs from a trusted source can put your mind at ease about possibly getting eggs that have been “tampered” with.

Recap: Why To Give Your Dog Raw Eggs

So, we have learned that feeding raw eggs as opposed to cooked eggs is better because the raw egg contains the full amount of nutrients. When cooking the eggs, it unintentionally cooks out some of the good stuff!

We also learned that dogs have really tough digestive systems with enough acid to help rid them of any salmonella that might be present. You should feed the whole egg so your dog can get a fully balanced source of nutrients and that can even include the eggshell!

Finally, try to buy your eggs from a trusted source and not at the grocery store if you can help it!

Have you fed your dogs raw eggs before? Have you noticed any differences? Let me know in the comments below! 

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