turmeric's many benefits for dogs

My dog has had surgery on all four of his legs, so I was looking into something natural that would help him. I had heard about turmeric helping people with joint pain so I started looking into it.

Let me tell you! I have never noticed anything else make such a big difference in him!

I used to read reviews on all kinds of hip and joint products that would “bring out the puppy” in everyone’s dogs but mine. CBD became a game changer for many dogs with pain. Nothing seemed to make such a difference that I could physically see a change in my dog Tucker. Until turmeric.

I am so happy that out of all the products I have tried, the one natural product is the one to make such a difference. I could never really feel good about giving him medication for pain because I knew that although it may help his pain, there could be long term side effects. 

So what does this major change look like? Well, when I used to take him on walks, towards the end of the walk he’d be lagging way behind. Now, with the turmeric, he is right beside us and sometimes even ahead of us towards the end of the walk. It just makes me so happy!

I make a turmeric paste for him that I add to his breakfast daily. Not too long ago, I ran out of turmeric and I got really busy so he went without his turmeric paste. What a difference.

He would lag way behind me during walks and he just didn’t seem as happy. I felt like a horrible mom. So I made his paste and started him back on it. He had been off of it for a few days so it was like starting over again. It takes some time to get into his system for me to see a huge difference.

so what is turmeric anyway?

So what is turmeric anyway?

Turmeric is mostly known as a spice and  medicinal herb in India. 

“The healing powder, which is mostly grown and consumed in India, is prepared by crushing the dried root stalks (called rhizomes) of the flowering turmeric plant belonging to the ginger family.”

(Lavanya Sunkara, https://www.greatpetcare.com/wellness/turmeric-for-dogs-benefits-and-uses/ )

Curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric that offers anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties. It can also be used as an antiviral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and to help heal wounds. 

Although there are not many studies done on how turmeric can benefit your dog, many people believe it can benefit dogs similarly to humans.

Some of those benefits can help diseases like diabetes, liver disease, arthritis, gastrointestinal issues, and cancer to name a few. 

how can turmeric benefit my dog?

turmeric can prevent and kill cancer cells

One third of studies, which focused solely on cancer research, have shown curcumin can actually stop precancerous signs from progressing into full blown cancer. Turmeric can even kill cancer cells, prevent future growth, and reduce tumor size.

This is definitely exciting news, especially if you have a breed that is more prone to cancer like golden retrievers, german shepherds, or boxers.

turmeric works as an anti-inflammatory

Chronic inflammation is the source for most all diseases. Arthritis, allergies, kidney disease, cancer, dental disease, and digestive disease are all caused by inflammation. 

Studies are finding that chronic mild inflammation is the leading cause of arthritis and joint degeneration. The curcumin in turmeric has been proven to work better than ibuprofen and aspirin as an anti-inflammatory. 

turmeric can help with gastrointestinal issues

Inflammatory bowel disease can also be helped by turmeric’s anti-inflammatory properties. It has been shown to work beneficially for gut inflammation and gut permeability. 

turmeric can help ease arthric pain

Lastly, turmeric can also help with the pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. So not only does turmeric help with the inflammation, it helps with pain, thus making it beneficial for dogs with mobility issues.

other benefits of turmeric

Turmeric is also a powerful antioxidant that can slow aging, degeneration, and increase lifespan! It can improve heart health, cataracts, and your dog’s skin and coat. It can even give your dog more energy. (I definitely feel like I have seen more energy in Tucker).

turmeric can Replace Medications that can have Potentially Damaging Side Effects

(This one was huge for me.) Medications, like steroids, prescribed to your dog for joint pain and allergies can have serious side effects. Turmeric is a much safer route to take with your dog’s pain management. While you should not stop your dog’s medication without consulting your vet, one study has shown that turmeric taken with steroids can actually lessen side effects.

Turmeric isn't for all dogs

Although turmeric is amazing in so many ways, there are certain circumstances where it is better to stay away from it. As with anything new, you should introduce turmeric into your dog’s diet gradually because it can cause an upset stomach or constipation. You can add water to your dog’s food when you mix in the turmeric paste to counteract constipation.

 Turmeric can increase the level of urinary oxalate in your dog which is not good for dogs prone to kidney stones. Dogs with bile tract obstruction or gallstones should also not have turmeric. Turmeric is not suitable for diabetic dogs as it can raise blood sugar levels.

Turmeric is not good for dogs with bleeding disorders as it is an anticoagulant. You should discontinue giving your dog turmeric before a surgery because it has blood-thinning properties. 

You should always consult your veterinarian before giving turmeric to your dog especially if your dog is on any medications or involved in any treatments. Turmeric can interact with some medications as well as with some chemotherapy treatments. 

As mentioned above, start your dog on turmeric gradually. Eventually you will want to work your way up to ¼ teaspoon for every 10 pounds of your dog’s body weight.

how do i give my dog turmeric?

Unfortunately, the curcumin found in turmeric is not easily absorbed by dogs. So if you sprinkle some turmeric powder on your dog’s food it won’t do much good. Turmeric also leaves the body rather quickly, so if possible, spread out your dog’s dose throughout the day.

There are ingredients you can add to make it much easier for your dog to absorb. I give my dog a mixture that creates a paste that I add to his food each day.

When working with turmeric, you will notice it is a bright yellow color. Be careful! That yellow color can dye everything it touches, including your dog, so mix it into the food very very well. I haven’t had a problem with it dying my dogs, but if you have a white dog with a moustage, be extra careful!

“Most Golden Paste recipes use coconut oil. But coconut oil isn’t the best choice for your dog’s gut health. So, for an even healthier Golden Paste, I recommend using organic MCT oil or organic ghee (clarified butter) instead. If you use MCT oil, make sure it doesn’t have lauric acid.”   

(Recipe by Dana Scott https://www.dogsnaturallymagazine.com/turmeric-dogs/#h-how-much-turmeric-for-dogs 

Besides the golden paste, you can supplement your dog with turmeric by giving turmeric pills, liquid, or products that contain turmeric, like some bone broths. Some dog foods have turmeric listed in their ingredients, but unfortunately it isn’t enough to make a huge difference. It is mainly added to foods for the color.

Having large dogs, I find the turmeric paste to be the most cost efficient and effective form to give my dogs.


Turmeric is a great natural spice to give your dog. Curcumin is the active ingredient that has dog owners so excited. It has several benefits including helping to cure and prevent cancer as well as helping with inflammation and arthritic pain. It is also a powerful antioxidant that can slow aging and degeneration. I have noticed a significant difference in my dogs, especially in my golden retriever that has had surgery on all 4 legs. I give my dogs the golden paste form of turmeric and highly recommend it to any and all dogs that are able to take turmeric.

If you have tried turmeric on your dogs, please let me know how it has worked out for you in the comments below. Have you noticed significant changes in your fur children since you have started using turmeric?

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